I had hoped that defying Trump's wish to make Rick Scott the Majority Leader was a sign that the Senate was not going to cede all their power to him, that perhaps they the institution and their own power would make them push back when he impinged on their independence. I never thought for a second that they wouldn't vote for whatever he …
I had hoped that defying Trump's wish to make Rick Scott the Majority Leader was a sign that the Senate was not going to cede all their power to him, that perhaps they the institution and their own power would make them push back when he impinged on their independence. I never thought for a second that they wouldn't vote for whatever he wanted 99% of the time, but held hope that they would deny his recess appointment demands. Maybe they will and these uniquely unqualified sycophants will have to sit through actual confirmation hearings. Still, that alone doesn't mean they won't give him all or most of what he wants. There are so many bad and dangerous nominees, and the list gets longer every day, but right now, if they blocked Gaetz, the Fox second stringer, and RFK, Jr., some of the most grievous harm could be eliminated. That doesn't mean the other nominees don't present their own unique dangers (perhaps I should add Tulsi Gabbard to the above). They are all a bunch a treacherous liars and theives, Fascists and Fascist enablers. We really are screwed.
Biden has not been in charge of anything for over 3 years! He has had Dementia and it is only getting worse. Did you see when he met with Trump he was smiling the entire time like hed just eaten his favorite ice cream and even gave Hitler (Trump) a hearty handshake and said "Welcome Back" . Guess he does not think Trump is the greatest threat to the Republic since Dick Cheney. Or he just forgot, he does have dementia.
I want to know the very same and plan on calling the white house again today and ask why he hasn't declared war on these cheaters and asked us to join him in the battle! I'm ready!
I had hoped that defying Trump's wish to make Rick Scott the Majority Leader was a sign that the Senate was not going to cede all their power to him, that perhaps they the institution and their own power would make them push back when he impinged on their independence. I never thought for a second that they wouldn't vote for whatever he wanted 99% of the time, but held hope that they would deny his recess appointment demands. Maybe they will and these uniquely unqualified sycophants will have to sit through actual confirmation hearings. Still, that alone doesn't mean they won't give him all or most of what he wants. There are so many bad and dangerous nominees, and the list gets longer every day, but right now, if they blocked Gaetz, the Fox second stringer, and RFK, Jr., some of the most grievous harm could be eliminated. That doesn't mean the other nominees don't present their own unique dangers (perhaps I should add Tulsi Gabbard to the above). They are all a bunch a treacherous liars and theives, Fascists and Fascist enablers. We really are screwed.
How come help isn't coming from somewhere out there, anywhere?
Not yet,we need to demand that Biden do his duty and declare war on Trump now!!!!!
But why won't Biden at least say or do something now? What's he frightened of or who is intimating him?
Biden has not been in charge of anything for over 3 years! He has had Dementia and it is only getting worse. Did you see when he met with Trump he was smiling the entire time like hed just eaten his favorite ice cream and even gave Hitler (Trump) a hearty handshake and said "Welcome Back" . Guess he does not think Trump is the greatest threat to the Republic since Dick Cheney. Or he just forgot, he does have dementia.
I want to know the very same and plan on calling the white house again today and ask why he hasn't declared war on these cheaters and asked us to join him in the battle! I'm ready!
Yep and its time she puts on her big girl dress and tell us to meet her in Washington to fight!
Does she have to wait for Congresses approval to do so?