Good Morning Bob, or good afternoon depending on your time zone. Thanks for thereply. I truly am somoen who likes to debate and discuss politics and I like to learn new things and hear differing opinions. I'm at work right now and I have not eread all of your reply yet. Will do so later today. You despise Ana Kasparian? Say it isn't so!

Anyway have great day sir!

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Cry moar shitlibs, you lost, you have no say in any of this.

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If Biden is too ill to make a decision, then isn't VP HARRIS TO CALL IT? SHE CAN DO WHAT'S BEST!

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Enough of this ring around the bull shit crap. Get Trump good now! He's beyond demented. He's insane.

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Are you threatening the life of the President Elect? Should I contact the FBI Samantha?

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??? No more than he of others. I don't call out militia. I just want hatred to end.

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Perhaps shitlibs should start with cleaning your own house first? Namely your overt seething hatred of rural white men and Christians would be a good start. If ya'll had started that project years ago, we might not have Trump as President elect today. Trump is a direct response to your own unexamined "hatred."

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What’re the odds that Trump sets up a “Peace Deal” between Kyiv and Moscow only for Putin to pull out at the most embarrassing moment?

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Dear Rick,

Watch this video, and then hire or cooperate with him somehow.

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Wow! I knew about Matt (my girlfriend is 17) Gaetz but did not know about the others. There is but only one way out of this dilemma my fellow Americans and this to demand that President Biden, with all do respect to the new laws from the supreme court and that is to step and call us all to serve and now! My fellow Americans we are not dealing with something that will go away, that is unless we are willing to demand the safety of our Republic that Biden swore he would defend from all enemies foreign and domestic and now we need to hold him to this and call n him to ask us for help and arm those of us who are willing to fight! To all my fellow Americans who have enjoyed Rick's sense of humor and his taking the stand of country over party, all who understand, because of Rick, that our country is in great danger and that he is willing to say "they will have to carry me out feet first" because he is willing to fight right along side us. Now imagine this; Matt (my girlfriend is 17) Gaetz as attorney general; calling out the Case. Your honor if it pleases the court I bring the matter before you of the United States; against Rick Wilson. In this brief your honor Mr. Rick Wilson has been accused of spreading falsehoods against our new king his Majesty Donald J. Trump. In the opinion of the United States were asking that Mr. Rick Wilson face a firing squad at dawn. I'm just spit balling to make a point, I like Rick Wilson and I want to keep men like him around for as long as we can as we need men like this to keep our Republican party, our Republic, our beloved U.S. Constitution, our United States of America alive. Again we need to make calls to the white house and demand that President Biden form an army and sign a declaration of war against Trump and his minions. I say this right here without regard for my safety. If Rick is going to face a firing squad I want to face the same squad standing right next to Rick, Adam Kinzinger, Robert De Niro, and so many others who will either be facing death or imprisonment if we let that creep enter our white house. I know for a fact that the governor of Georgia has challenged over 320,000 votes, a number that would surely challenge this election, from Greg Palast that the Georgia election was robbed of at least 320,000 legal voters who's vote wasn't counted, and 100's of 1000's of votes nationwide by a law they passed in Georgia. In other words Kamala won but Trump with the help of Putin and others, cheated and the election was stolen. Time to get up and fight!!!!!

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Just as a general comment to the membership here, who have called me “cultish, stupid, dumb, kool aid drinker, MAGAT, fascist, uneducated, you idiot” … is this inclusion and diversity? Is this tolerance? Is calling for my comments to be shut down or removed consistent with modern day democrats?

I came here because I thought “you know Sam, maybe you’re missing something.. maybe there are good reasons the left is so willing to sacrifice the values it has always championed to remove, defeat, disqualify and extinguish Donald Trump? Maybe I’m

The one missing something. You see my family were all democrats and they do not like the direction the DNC has gone.

Like me, they all also thought we must be in the twilight zone the past four years because we had never seen a president do such things as Biden.

Then I talked to my brother who works in advanced technology and he shared a theory I happen to agree with.

You see, your phone records every keystroke, website, phone number, shopping habits, likes / dislikes… this has been going on for 10 years. Now, however, chat gpt and other AI bots are incredibly smart and able to accurately predict your behaviour and personal interests.

With Quantum computing and the entanglement phenomena, AI is advancing to incredible processing power.

So your phone is showing you what you already believe to be true and creating echo chambers of divisive groupthink.

We are being manipulated into polarized groups who believe so strongly our side is right that ideas aren’t being shared snd instead it’s to shut down any exchange of civil discourse.

There is no other explanation for why intelligent people can’t find common ground.

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Wanna bet? I know for a fact that there is a reason, but certainly can't go into it here as it is too long because it is so well documented, but there is a reason. One that I can assure everyone says that all of humanity can work side by side and in fact if we don't than this world's human populations are doomed to extinction! I cannot go into detail on another part of this equation but rest assured that only those who see each other as worthy of being treated with equality will be guaranteed eternity. Any who voted for Trump will be gone because they sold out Jesus.

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If Gabbard gets confirmed I hope the other Four Eyes will seriously vet what int they share with the States. She is a hazard in every sense of the word. Dangerous to ways and methods. I can see her blurting out classified info to any knobhead who asks. She has absolutely no business being anywhere near anything classified. Any. Thing. And don’t get me started on that misogynistic twat for Defense Secretary. Anyone with white supremacy tattoos should be automatically disqualified—along with his lack of qualifications, of course!

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Wow! and thank you at the same time. I am amazed at how many people actually get it. Get the fact that with these people in high places our country is in great peril. Again we need to get on the phone and demand that President Biden do his duty and stop Trump from destroying our Republic. I'm ready to fight!

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Don’t forget “and Scoundrels” Rick . It’s been the “Confederacy of Dunces and Scoundrels” all along with the Dunces just in sharper relief at the moment

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We are fucked

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Nope! not yet anyway. All we have to do is demand President Biden do the duty he swore to do and tell him we will be there in Washington to fight right along side him. Now that we know that the election was stolen we must fight! The supreme court gave Biden special powers as long as he is President, powers of immunity when doing something Presidential and right now he needs to ask us Americans to join!

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Biden calling us to fight? Biden is still too busy fighting to Defeat Medicare. He forgot he already proclaimed victory in the debate with Trump when he blurted out the now famous war cry, "We finally beat Medicare, Remember the Alamo!"

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Pres. Biden, you can't do this to the American people. This is like setting us up to be annihilated. Why would you want to see such a horrific thing happen in our country? Where is YOUR common sensibilities?

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I had hoped that defying Trump's wish to make Rick Scott the Majority Leader was a sign that the Senate was not going to cede all their power to him, that perhaps they the institution and their own power would make them push back when he impinged on their independence. I never thought for a second that they wouldn't vote for whatever he wanted 99% of the time, but held hope that they would deny his recess appointment demands. Maybe they will and these uniquely unqualified sycophants will have to sit through actual confirmation hearings. Still, that alone doesn't mean they won't give him all or most of what he wants. There are so many bad and dangerous nominees, and the list gets longer every day, but right now, if they blocked Gaetz, the Fox second stringer, and RFK, Jr., some of the most grievous harm could be eliminated. That doesn't mean the other nominees don't present their own unique dangers (perhaps I should add Tulsi Gabbard to the above). They are all a bunch a treacherous liars and theives, Fascists and Fascist enablers. We really are screwed.

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How come help isn't coming from somewhere out there, anywhere?

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Not yet,we need to demand that Biden do his duty and declare war on Trump now!!!!!

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But why won't Biden at least say or do something now? What's he frightened of or who is intimating him?

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Biden has not been in charge of anything for over 3 years! He has had Dementia and it is only getting worse. Did you see when he met with Trump he was smiling the entire time like hed just eaten his favorite ice cream and even gave Hitler (Trump) a hearty handshake and said "Welcome Back" . Guess he does not think Trump is the greatest threat to the Republic since Dick Cheney. Or he just forgot, he does have dementia.

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I want to know the very same and plan on calling the white house again today and ask why he hasn't declared war on these cheaters and asked us to join him in the battle! I'm ready!

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Yep and its time she puts on her big girl dress and tell us to meet her in Washington to fight!

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Mr. Walz served as a policy director for Rumsfeld and Gates and as the vice president's counterterrorism advisor. We should not also discount time served as a US representative. He sat on committees that dealt with national security issues. Mr. Trump would be better served if he had more nominees who were members of Congress as they understand how that legislative body works. If the goal is to show the poor qualifications of his nominees if would be more effective to be accurate. Mr. Walz is one of the more qualified people to hold that critical office.

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Pardon me, but the dunces in "A Confederacy of Dunces" were not nearly as bad as these clowns. You could pick up drunks off of the street and get a better cabinet than this deplorable group.

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Well. Not feeling any better.

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