Wow! and thank you at the same time. I am amazed at how many people actually get it. Get the fact that with these people in high places our country is in great peril. Again we need to get on the phone and demand that President Biden do his duty and stop Trump from destroying our Republic. I'm ready to fight!
Wow! and thank you at the same time. I am amazed at how many people actually get it. Get the fact that with these people in high places our country is in great peril. Again we need to get on the phone and demand that President Biden do his duty and stop Trump from destroying our Republic. I'm ready to fight!
Wow! and thank you at the same time. I am amazed at how many people actually get it. Get the fact that with these people in high places our country is in great peril. Again we need to get on the phone and demand that President Biden do his duty and stop Trump from destroying our Republic. I'm ready to fight!