Good Morning Bob, or good afternoon depending on your time zone. Thanks for thereply. I truly am somoen who likes to debate and discuss politics and I like to learn new things and hear differing opinions. I'm at work right now and I have not eread all of your reply yet. Will do so later today. You despise Ana Kasparian? Say it isn't so!
Good Morning Bob, or good afternoon depending on your time zone. Thanks for thereply. I truly am somoen who likes to debate and discuss politics and I like to learn new things and hear differing opinions. I'm at work right now and I have not eread all of your reply yet. Will do so later today. You despise Ana Kasparian? Say it isn't so!
Good Morning Bob, or good afternoon depending on your time zone. Thanks for thereply. I truly am somoen who likes to debate and discuss politics and I like to learn new things and hear differing opinions. I'm at work right now and I have not eread all of your reply yet. Will do so later today. You despise Ana Kasparian? Say it isn't so!
Anyway have great day sir!