Two-bites-at-the-apple for Independents and 3rd Party folks when pushing Left with Berniecrats in our next battle - the various 2024 state, Primary Elections.
===== Forget political parties, follow a political strategy. A Political Tactic for 3rd Parties and Independents in Primary Elections.
The two major parties are only different in degree. The "lesser evil" is better, but basically the differences between Republicans and Democrats are the corporations they serve.
Corporate Left – Health Care, Hollywood, and Technology
Corporate Right – Oil & Gas, Real Estate, and Defense
One does not support or join and become a member of any political party by registering with the state in order to vote in primary elections for progressives running on the Democratic Party (DP) ballot-line in local, state, or national offices.
Independent and 3d-Party candidates do not have primaries in many states and in others are too few in number to affect the outcome of an election. Vote as you wish in a General Election. The Primary Elections are where candidates are chosen to run in the General Election.
Berniecrats consider ourselves more of a 5th-column, surrogate, “3d-Party” working within the Democratic Party (DP) and driving out the influence of artificial entities,* and large, SuperPAC donors that influence the legislators in all levels of our government. Berniecrats are separate from the DP and not responsible for their actions; nor do we answer for them.
Berniecrats use the DP ballot-line to vote on the party rules, the platform your state party uses, who represents your party on a state and national levels at the DNC in order to replace neo-liberal Democrats one-at-a-time. This tactic is also used by the Working Families Party (WFP), and supported by the Social Democrats USA (SDUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and Progressive Democrats of America (PDA). (citations provided upon request). “I don't care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating.” ----- Boss Tweed
Vote where it will be the most effective in electing candidates that take no SuperPAC money and will enact progressive legislation. The Democratic Party (DP) is weakest in red states and in red counties in blue states. Focus on these areas were the DP is the easiest to take over and change our world. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.” (Anonymous)
Jane Sanders: At the Left Forum 2018 Opening Plenary - A Broken System: How We Got Here - Streamed live on Jun 1, 2018. “Consider registering to vote in the Democratic primary."
Megan Day, staff writer at Jacobin magazine and member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), talks about the future of the left and the importance of continuing to push progressive ideals in congress. Megan advocates for the Berniecrat strategy of the tactical use of the Democratic Party (DP) ballot-line as the best strategy at this time.
Let us work together in common-cause for our shared goals in Primary Elections then vote as you please in the General. Do not waste this opportunity to change the system.
*Artificial entities include domestic corporations, non-profits, and unions; and foreign corporations and governments.
The conduct of my Representative Dusty Johnson in the nomination of Rep Jim Jordan is a stark and puzzling example of the mystery of the House GOP dysfunction. A founding member of the "Problem-Solvers Caucus" - a moderate in rhetoric; critical of former President Trump, a knowledgeable and decent member - his co-sponsorship of the Jordan nomination dumbfounded some of us. (See full discussion in The South Dakota Standard opinion / articleby John Tsitrian)
If there's any good news from this sh!tshow, is that like an evident tumor or a boil coming to a head, it will become as obvious as a sledgehammer between the eyes to everyone (except the coward caucus in the House GOP) that the House GOP and the current GOP overall is crazy, craven, and corrupt. It's also anti-American and treasonous. The question before us is whether those of us on the side of Team America we'll have the guts to smash this movement to smithereens in the 2023-24 election cycle.
Hi Rick! Thank you for starting this Substack publication. I appreciate your humor and your political opinions and point of view.
I’m really concerned about the news about Dean Phillips. How serious do you think he is and does he really think he can successfully primary Biden? Can the DCCC do anything to intervene?
Also...I read an article in Politico talking about JFK Jr and the difficulty he will have getting on the ballot in all 50 states as an independent....
I’m really hating all these periphery candidates mucking things up..
Again, I appreciate your perspective and I think it is your sense of humor is enabling your ability to keep sane!!
I have never desperately wanted you to be wrong more. Sadly, your Large Political Brain outranks my Large Statistics Brain on this one. I think I need to plant vegetables or something. Maybe a couple of chickens.
Oh, little Jimmy Jordan and his over-rehearsed, performative babbling. Trying desperately to appear as if he’s oh so hard at work in his shirt-sleeved cosplay. The irony is that he’s an empty suit.
Honestly, he's actually stupid. From my thankfully limited interactions in the Before Times, I was struck with the impression of feral cunning but no intellectual framework beyond an overexposure to Rush Limbaugh.
I’m reminded of a conversation I had with a Canadian woman just weeks after the Danger Yam (credit for this goes to someone somewhere else) was elected. We were both just passing through Wells, NV and we shared a table in a cafe. We were both still reeling from the disaster unfolding, so politics did come up - very cautiously. She said something that has stuck with me. In her view, a big reason for some important differences between Canadians and American can be traced back to the days when Hollywood was golden, and cinema took over a big chunk of time. In her view, people on both sides of the border had approximately equal exposure, but Canadians tended to keep the understanding that what was on screen was fiction, whereas Americans seemed to lose track of what was real and what was fantasy. They enjoyed the entertainment, we believed we could have that glamorous life.
So I ponder the ability of so many to buy in completely to the alternate reality of the maga state of mind. I marvel that literally millions cling to the fascist fantasies believing that they will somehow prosper under authoritarian rule. Perhaps they all see themselves as the heroes who will ultimately rise to the upper echelons when maga is finally achieved. I think perhaps they didn’t stay for the part of the movies where consequences come home to roost.
I've written a lot about this question, but the idea of a separate, hermetic reality has always been the dream of authoritarians and dictators.
Until our era, they simply didn't have the means and the technology to accomplish it at scale. Speaking of Canada, I'm grateful to Kim Richard Nossal, who just sent me his terrific book "Canada Alone." Well worth a read.
I follow Direct Relief, the humanitarian relief organization. They already provide aid to certain US states.
When I learned this, I was still capable of being shocked.
Assuming the holdouts cave, there really won't be any point in showing up in DC. Jordan will own them, and Hannity will call out his goon squad should any dare to step out of line.
Doc's comment below says it all...Trump expects and demand enablers and lackeys, and whether it's Jordan or worse, the House is sadly Trump's property.
Two-bites-at-the-apple for Independents and 3rd Party folks when pushing Left with Berniecrats in our next battle - the various 2024 state, Primary Elections.
===== Forget political parties, follow a political strategy. A Political Tactic for 3rd Parties and Independents in Primary Elections.
The two major parties are only different in degree. The "lesser evil" is better, but basically the differences between Republicans and Democrats are the corporations they serve.
Corporate Left – Health Care, Hollywood, and Technology
Corporate Right – Oil & Gas, Real Estate, and Defense
One does not support or join and become a member of any political party by registering with the state in order to vote in primary elections for progressives running on the Democratic Party (DP) ballot-line in local, state, or national offices.
Independent and 3d-Party candidates do not have primaries in many states and in others are too few in number to affect the outcome of an election. Vote as you wish in a General Election. The Primary Elections are where candidates are chosen to run in the General Election.
Berniecrats consider ourselves more of a 5th-column, surrogate, “3d-Party” working within the Democratic Party (DP) and driving out the influence of artificial entities,* and large, SuperPAC donors that influence the legislators in all levels of our government. Berniecrats are separate from the DP and not responsible for their actions; nor do we answer for them.
Berniecrats use the DP ballot-line to vote on the party rules, the platform your state party uses, who represents your party on a state and national levels at the DNC in order to replace neo-liberal Democrats one-at-a-time. This tactic is also used by the Working Families Party (WFP), and supported by the Social Democrats USA (SDUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and Progressive Democrats of America (PDA). (citations provided upon request). “I don't care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating.” ----- Boss Tweed
Vote where it will be the most effective in electing candidates that take no SuperPAC money and will enact progressive legislation. The Democratic Party (DP) is weakest in red states and in red counties in blue states. Focus on these areas were the DP is the easiest to take over and change our world. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.” (Anonymous)
Jane Sanders: At the Left Forum 2018 Opening Plenary - A Broken System: How We Got Here - Streamed live on Jun 1, 2018. “Consider registering to vote in the Democratic primary."
Megan Day, staff writer at Jacobin magazine and member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), talks about the future of the left and the importance of continuing to push progressive ideals in congress. Megan advocates for the Berniecrat strategy of the tactical use of the Democratic Party (DP) ballot-line as the best strategy at this time.
Let us work together in common-cause for our shared goals in Primary Elections then vote as you please in the General. Do not waste this opportunity to change the system.
*Artificial entities include domestic corporations, non-profits, and unions; and foreign corporations and governments.
Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining. ------ Teddy Roosevelt
The conduct of my Representative Dusty Johnson in the nomination of Rep Jim Jordan is a stark and puzzling example of the mystery of the House GOP dysfunction. A founding member of the "Problem-Solvers Caucus" - a moderate in rhetoric; critical of former President Trump, a knowledgeable and decent member - his co-sponsorship of the Jordan nomination dumbfounded some of us. (See full discussion in The South Dakota Standard opinion / articleby John Tsitrian)
If there's any good news from this sh!tshow, is that like an evident tumor or a boil coming to a head, it will become as obvious as a sledgehammer between the eyes to everyone (except the coward caucus in the House GOP) that the House GOP and the current GOP overall is crazy, craven, and corrupt. It's also anti-American and treasonous. The question before us is whether those of us on the side of Team America we'll have the guts to smash this movement to smithereens in the 2023-24 election cycle.
Hi Rick! Thank you for starting this Substack publication. I appreciate your humor and your political opinions and point of view.
I’m really concerned about the news about Dean Phillips. How serious do you think he is and does he really think he can successfully primary Biden? Can the DCCC do anything to intervene?
Also...I read an article in Politico talking about JFK Jr and the difficulty he will have getting on the ballot in all 50 states as an independent....
I’m really hating all these periphery candidates mucking things up..
Again, I appreciate your perspective and I think it is your sense of humor is enabling your ability to keep sane!!
I have never desperately wanted you to be wrong more. Sadly, your Large Political Brain outranks my Large Statistics Brain on this one. I think I need to plant vegetables or something. Maybe a couple of chickens.
I hope we’re wrong. I don’t expect heroics, b but some old fashioned sheer cussed determination might work.
Damn, son. You're right.
Oh, little Jimmy Jordan and his over-rehearsed, performative babbling. Trying desperately to appear as if he’s oh so hard at work in his shirt-sleeved cosplay. The irony is that he’s an empty suit.
Honestly, he's actually stupid. From my thankfully limited interactions in the Before Times, I was struck with the impression of feral cunning but no intellectual framework beyond an overexposure to Rush Limbaugh.
I’m reminded of a conversation I had with a Canadian woman just weeks after the Danger Yam (credit for this goes to someone somewhere else) was elected. We were both just passing through Wells, NV and we shared a table in a cafe. We were both still reeling from the disaster unfolding, so politics did come up - very cautiously. She said something that has stuck with me. In her view, a big reason for some important differences between Canadians and American can be traced back to the days when Hollywood was golden, and cinema took over a big chunk of time. In her view, people on both sides of the border had approximately equal exposure, but Canadians tended to keep the understanding that what was on screen was fiction, whereas Americans seemed to lose track of what was real and what was fantasy. They enjoyed the entertainment, we believed we could have that glamorous life.
So I ponder the ability of so many to buy in completely to the alternate reality of the maga state of mind. I marvel that literally millions cling to the fascist fantasies believing that they will somehow prosper under authoritarian rule. Perhaps they all see themselves as the heroes who will ultimately rise to the upper echelons when maga is finally achieved. I think perhaps they didn’t stay for the part of the movies where consequences come home to roost.
I've written a lot about this question, but the idea of a separate, hermetic reality has always been the dream of authoritarians and dictators.
Until our era, they simply didn't have the means and the technology to accomplish it at scale. Speaking of Canada, I'm grateful to Kim Richard Nossal, who just sent me his terrific book "Canada Alone." Well worth a read.
I follow Direct Relief, the humanitarian relief organization. They already provide aid to certain US states.
When I learned this, I was still capable of being shocked.
Assuming the holdouts cave, there really won't be any point in showing up in DC. Jordan will own them, and Hannity will call out his goon squad should any dare to step out of line.
I don't expect heroism. At this point I'm just praying for divine intervention.
Doc's comment below says it all...Trump expects and demand enablers and lackeys, and whether it's Jordan or worse, the House is sadly Trump's property.
It impossible to "embolden" a malignant narcissist.