Blood *was* spilled and he has zero remorse.

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I… don’t follow.

How is this actually new? We all know Trump committed treason on national television, and tried to remain in office through fraud and force even through he lost the election.

That’s not new.

Spelling out the details to the court is Jack Smith’s job, and he’s tried to do it.

However, our courts, our congress people, and our president have either obstructed him, or at the very least not cleared the way for him, and thus, 4 years after the fact, though less than 2 years after Jack Smith got handed the baton, here we are.

Trump’s supporters all know they’re backing a criminal who intends to tear down the US Constitution. That’s not incidental, it’s why they’re supporting him.

This changes the race none.

Not one bit.

Nobody who understands the present American situation thinks it does.

I am beyond impatient with this driveling idiocy that fails to comprehend Trumpism. It’s not the kind of ideology that you play games with. You either kill it, or get killed by it. This government has chosen the latter. I disapprove.

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I agree with your sentiments, but my disapproval is particularly directed at the six perjurers who conjured the immunity ruling which turned Trump from president to monarch.

John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett lied under oath during their confirmation hearings when they expressed fidelity to the rule of law and stare decisis and stated that "no man is above the law, not even a president." That makes them felons.

Jack Smith is proving right now that he is smarter than all six of them combined. They pulled that criminal immunity ruling directly out of their asses, but what we learned with this filing is that Jack Smith is going to convict him anyway. Sure, it'll end up on appeal again, and if the Supremes want to eliminate all precedent, they can reverse the conviction, but then it will be obvious to everyone what has been obvious to me for a long time:

The United States Supreme Court ceased being a legitimate governmental institution long ago.

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I agree with you. Though, of all their "decisions", it was the Trump v Anderson decision from earlier in the year that made me shake with rage the most.

The thing is: we have 3 co-equal branches of government, or, we're supposed to. When 1 fails, the other 2 are supposed to help fix it.

I'm not sure which branch failed first (I suspect it was congress), but it seems like all 3 are broken, and none are even inclined to try to repair themselves or the others.

The repair mechanism has not worked in this case. I'm still trying to figure out what the right thing is for citizens to do in this situation.

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Donald should be aware by now

we got some heavy rollers

the old dolt can

try again tomorrow.

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Somebody tell the corporate press.

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Actually, it’s Judge Chutkin’s October surprise. She is the one who controls the documents filed in this case.

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This is a really good one folks 💯🫶🤗🙏💙😇🥳🤩

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Thank you, Rick, for another keenly worded fact-filled information piece!

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What i want to see happen is that Harris wins by large margins, not just because she is an excellent choice but because the american people need to gain their sell respect back.

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More, so the criminal cabal run by Dumpty's Rubes do not manage to turn the United States into a Fourth Reich fascist dictatorship.

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I love this guy.

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…too little too late and trump is the only symptom, to take him down doesn’t mean we solved our country’s problems

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I'm not 100% confident in this estimate.

Getting rid of Hitler did a lot to help post-1945 Germany.

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…HUH ? …tell me it’s a fucking cruel sarcasm

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“C tier”? How about D tier of ex-lawyers?

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This application drives me insane. When I click on the “Manage Subscription” button, I get a dialogue box telling me that I “cannot manage the subscription inside the application” Well then you morons~ where the f*** AM I supposed to manage the subscription? Would someone please, in the name of all that is holy tell me the answer to this question? Thanks in advance.


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I don't use an "application". I use the web interface; maybe that will work for you (?). Try using your web browser, such as Edge, to go to https://therickwilson.substack.com/p/jack-smiths-october-surprise

PS who ya calling "morons" in a Substack post? Really?

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Your advice does not apply here on my iOS device. I’m running into the same issues as before. My daughter is a UX designer and it’s the lead UX designer and his or her team that I am referring to as a morons.

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10plusfund is correct...to way too many Americans, Trump is their guy. He should be getting 10% of the vote from our fellow Americans...not 50%. THE MESSAGE ISN'T GETTING OUT THERE!! I don't know what the answer is but someone...something...needs to shake these Trumpsters to their core about just how dangerous this man is.

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Blood was spilled that day, and Trump didn’t lose a moment of sleep.

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I am so glad this has finally come out, and just in the nick of time.

For all the Right's cries of "it's unfair, why release this now so close to the election?" - our response needs to be

" and you think they should have waited why? Does't the voting public have a RIGHT to hear this BEFORE they cast their vote"?

If it weren't for all the delays that Trump and his lawyers threw up trying to stop this from being done, it would have come out months ago.

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I make anti-Trump memes and upload them here. Feel free to nab and share. https://substack.com/@ianpatton130458

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