Just what if the major news networks, newspapers, magazines, etc, did not attend his “speeches”, otherwise known as ramblings. No one followed him around, basically ignoring him like he does not exist. Can you imagine how that would affect him? There are many examples of petulant children acting out with bad behavior and criminal activit…
Just what if the major news networks, newspapers, magazines, etc, did not attend his “speeches”, otherwise known as ramblings. No one followed him around, basically ignoring him like he does not exist. Can you imagine how that would affect him? There are many examples of petulant children acting out with bad behavior and criminal activity. For what? For the attention, of course. Only Trump’s behavior is on a grander scale. Once when I was in grade school so many years ago, we had a bully in our class. He terrorized everyone and none of us were willing to get our lights punched out. But then a group of us had had enough of him. Four or five of us got together and confronted him. He did not back down, but began escalating his bullying. He grabbed one of us in a bear hug and began squeezing him so tightly the kid was having trouble breathing. Finally, the kid reared his head back and came forward so fast smashed his forehead into the nose of the bully, breaking his nose, literally smashing it. He started screaming and crying as the blood poured out. One of the kids had a baseball bat and swung it as hard as he could across the top of his foot, breaking his metatarsal bones, hard enough to cause enough damage to require surgery and a cast for weeks. We all pledged not to confess to our retribution. The bully also would not admit to being to being bested by a group “weaklings”, claiming he had fallen out of tree. He never bulled any of us again. He remained an asshat, but no one paid attention to him and he was relegated to the annals of nothingness, irrelevancy in our lives. He channeled all his pent up anger to the football games where he was a force to be reckoned with, but only during the games. He was accepted as a fellow player and only toward the end of his senior playing days was he fully accepted in our group and a person value. Did he apologize? No, not really, but his change in behavior was enough. Imagine that person as Trump. Instead of letting Trump throw rocks, we instead threw rocks at him. He would implode into a blubbery mass of humanity. Will it happen? Probably not, but it would be fun to see.
Just what if the major news networks, newspapers, magazines, etc, did not attend his “speeches”, otherwise known as ramblings. No one followed him around, basically ignoring him like he does not exist. Can you imagine how that would affect him? There are many examples of petulant children acting out with bad behavior and criminal activity. For what? For the attention, of course. Only Trump’s behavior is on a grander scale. Once when I was in grade school so many years ago, we had a bully in our class. He terrorized everyone and none of us were willing to get our lights punched out. But then a group of us had had enough of him. Four or five of us got together and confronted him. He did not back down, but began escalating his bullying. He grabbed one of us in a bear hug and began squeezing him so tightly the kid was having trouble breathing. Finally, the kid reared his head back and came forward so fast smashed his forehead into the nose of the bully, breaking his nose, literally smashing it. He started screaming and crying as the blood poured out. One of the kids had a baseball bat and swung it as hard as he could across the top of his foot, breaking his metatarsal bones, hard enough to cause enough damage to require surgery and a cast for weeks. We all pledged not to confess to our retribution. The bully also would not admit to being to being bested by a group “weaklings”, claiming he had fallen out of tree. He never bulled any of us again. He remained an asshat, but no one paid attention to him and he was relegated to the annals of nothingness, irrelevancy in our lives. He channeled all his pent up anger to the football games where he was a force to be reckoned with, but only during the games. He was accepted as a fellow player and only toward the end of his senior playing days was he fully accepted in our group and a person value. Did he apologize? No, not really, but his change in behavior was enough. Imagine that person as Trump. Instead of letting Trump throw rocks, we instead threw rocks at him. He would implode into a blubbery mass of humanity. Will it happen? Probably not, but it would be fun to see.