I don’t even know where to buy that many flags.

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Just what if the major news networks, newspapers, magazines, etc, did not attend his “speeches”, otherwise known as ramblings. No one followed him around, basically ignoring him like he does not exist. Can you imagine how that would affect him? There are many examples of petulant children acting out with bad behavior and criminal activity. For what? For the attention, of course. Only Trump’s behavior is on a grander scale. Once when I was in grade school so many years ago, we had a bully in our class. He terrorized everyone and none of us were willing to get our lights punched out. But then a group of us had had enough of him. Four or five of us got together and confronted him. He did not back down, but began escalating his bullying. He grabbed one of us in a bear hug and began squeezing him so tightly the kid was having trouble breathing. Finally, the kid reared his head back and came forward so fast smashed his forehead into the nose of the bully, breaking his nose, literally smashing it. He started screaming and crying as the blood poured out. One of the kids had a baseball bat and swung it as hard as he could across the top of his foot, breaking his metatarsal bones, hard enough to cause enough damage to require surgery and a cast for weeks. We all pledged not to confess to our retribution. The bully also would not admit to being to being bested by a group “weaklings”, claiming he had fallen out of tree. He never bulled any of us again. He remained an asshat, but no one paid attention to him and he was relegated to the annals of nothingness, irrelevancy in our lives. He channeled all his pent up anger to the football games where he was a force to be reckoned with, but only during the games. He was accepted as a fellow player and only toward the end of his senior playing days was he fully accepted in our group and a person value. Did he apologize? No, not really, but his change in behavior was enough. Imagine that person as Trump. Instead of letting Trump throw rocks, we instead threw rocks at him. He would implode into a blubbery mass of humanity. Will it happen? Probably not, but it would be fun to see.

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I can’t imagine the anyone other than the #MAGAloons will find this performance anything other than pathetic. His schtick is worn out, threadbare, old news.

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Trump owns you🤣

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In the political arena's heated fray,

Rick Wilson stands, his words at play.

A heart so filled, not with love but spite,

For Trump, he casts into the night.

With barbs and jabs, he takes his aim,

Through Lincoln's Project, he claims his fame.

"Everything Trump Touches Dies," he penned,

A narrative harsh, on hate it's depend.

In tweets and taunts, his fury shown,

No olive branch, just stone on stone.

A strategist once, now turned fierce foe,

In media's glare, his angers glow.

Does he fight for truth, or is it mere disdain?

As lines blur between personal and campaign.

A vendetta dressed as a moral fight,

In the name of justice, but perhaps not right.

Oh, Rick Wilson, with heart so tart,

Could there be peace before you depart?

Or will your legacy simply be,

A trail of enmity for history?

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"He looked deeply, profoundly unwell, like a man who wakes up in a flophouse room coved in blood with the body of a dead hooker, a live monkey, and no memory of the night before."...

Not gonna lie, this seems oddly specific, Rick... Anything you want to get off your chest? 😂

< I would add that someone on twitter said "Looks like the opening scene for Hangover 4!" which I thought was genius, so hats off to @BurqueRudeBoy for that one! >

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somebody raided Martha-Anne's flag closet

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Perfection. We can always count on Rick to get to the core of the matter.

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And a stuffed animal….or a new girlfriend.

Miss Polly Urethane.

The only woman who will stand him now.

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That was one hell of a critique and despite the fact I didn’t hear the incoherent ramblings of the former douchebag-in-chief I don’t doubt for one second, it was absolutely on point. Drumpf was, is and always has been a lump of excrement, lacking in any humanity, intellect or empathy, so the sooner he shrivels and disappears up his own incontinent anal cavity and contracting constipation, the better the world will be. Perhaps due to the ample size of his buttocks, maybe there’s enough room up there for all the GOP leaders. 🙏🏻

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Barry, why don't you tell us what you really think about TFG.

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That word salad binfire was excruciatingly beautiful to skip through. Is this the behavioural equivalent of him firing a gun down 5th?

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and yet his cult-followers eat it up; on conviction for 34 counts he went UP in the polls and raised $145 million.

Only in America

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Or so they say, I wouldn't believe a word out of any of their mouths.

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the rise in the polls and the $ raised were widely publicized, but you're right, it's hard to believe anything anymore. We're in the world of "alternative facts."

But I do think it's true that his cult-followers drank the Kool-Ade and nothing will shake their belief that Trump is their American Savior.

It all reminds me of the German people in the 1930s: they believe it because they want to believe it, they NEED to believe it, because Trump and his BS are filling some deep insecure need in so many Americans.

Marjorie Greene said today that "they're persecuting Trump like they persecuted Jesus". I don't know who "they" are, and Trump's no Jesus, but the MAGA cult believes it.

I think it'll come down to whether the majority of American voters are ready to dump this lying cowardly conman into the dumpster once and for all.

And it'll have to be a huge WAVE, because if it's close, if Biden and the Dems squeak out a victory, then Trump and his well-armed delusional followers will immediately go into "rigged" and "stolen" mode.

I'm 77 and have seen a lot of elections, but this is in my mind the truly existential test of democracy in America.

The saddest part that's it's all for the benefit one weak insecure man. Like all dictators and so-called "strongmen", he's willing to destroy his own country and people in his insatiable lust for power. We're seeing the same thing with Netanyahu - willing to destroy Israel's reputation and thousands of lives for his own personal lust to stay in power.

I'll add this: my wife of 50 years believes it's the Women of America who will stand up to this misogynist Trump (and his disciples) in November for the sake of women's reproductive freedom. I hope she's right.

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Where is the proof?

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the rise in the polls and the $ raised were widely publicized, but you're right, it's hard to believe anything anymore. We're in the world of "alternative facts."

But I do think it's true that his cult-followers drank the Kool-Ade and nothing will shake their belief that Trump is their American Savior.

It all reminds me of the German people in the 1930s: they believe it because they want to believe it, they NEED to believe it, because Trump and his BS are filling some deep insecure need in so many Americans.

Marjorie Greene said today that "they're persecuting Trump like they persecuted Jesus". I don't know who "they" are, and Trump's no Jesus, but the MAGA cult believes it.

I think it'll come down to whether the majority of American voters are ready to dump this lying cowardly conman into the dumpster once and for all.

And it'll have to be a huge WAVE, because if it's close, if Biden and the Dems squeak out a victory, then Trump and his well-armed delusional followers will immediately go into "rigged" and "stolen" mode.

I'm 77 and have seen a lot of elections, but this is in my mind the truly existential test of democracy in America.

The saddest part that's it's all for the benefit one weak insecure man. Like all dictators and so-called "strongmen", he's willing to destroy his own country and people in his insatiable lust for power. We're seeing the same thing with Netanyahu - willing to destroy Israel's reputation and thousands of lives for his own personal lust to stay in power.

I'll add this: my wife of 50 years believes it's the Women of America who will stand up to this misogynist Trump (and his disciples) in November for the sake of women's reproductive freedom. I hope she's right.

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Great article thanks for sharing

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Just one question for Trump, because I wasn’t sure from his “speech”: Did he think it was a disgrace?

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How Conviction Negatively impacted Trumps Winning Chance? Can Trump Overcome this ?

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Negative impact? After conviction for 34 counts he went UP in the polls and raised $145 million. The Greatest Conman in the History of America.

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This evil spawn has managed to recall the hate from sects and groups and they’ll burn in hell for him, they don’t care. To me, that’s the epitome of what these religious sects backing him are- evil. Time to figure out how to fight back on the systemic brainwashing.

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only one way to fight back: massive Blue Wave in November to flush Trumpism & MAGA down the toilet.

It won't be easy, but it's not impossible.

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Evil works by giving one a false sense of empowerment, especially to those who have little themselves.

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well said

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