Thank you Thank you Thank you Rick Wilson for putting into print what you have stated on “The Enemy’s List” so many times. Just win and stay on message! Yes, I am sharing this!

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Thank you! Everything you shared is absolutely correct! Yes! I am sharing this!

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The deep state is the fascism you fear. Everything you project about people you have been trained to hate, is deep state DC. Barry Obama, Klan Bush, Mitt Romney, and Racist Joe are all pretty much the same guy and their platforms do not discuss ideas. They set of a strawman and demand hysteria. They are all neo-cons. They only represent coastal oligarchs.

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Stop huffing paint thinner.

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Nice retort.

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Call me names, because you can not craft an argument. Have you ever persuaded anyone with insults? If I'm right, then all of your moral superiority is gone. Bush and Obama were the same president who sold very similar lies to their respective bases. Trump wasn't much different, but his actions and policy were less fascist than those of any President since Reagan. Also, Trump was the first president since Carter not to start at least two new wars. Am I wrong? By what metric? What am I missing?

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I agree Democrats must take off the gloves and it should begin now. They must remind the American people that the eventual Republican nominee for president has been convicted of sexual assault and will likely be a convicted felon by election time in 2024. This means he will be on ballots in 48 States where citizens in those states convicted of felonies are not allowed to vote.

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Biggest help in this would be for the centrists to stop punching left. I've seen 30 years of democrats validating republican attacks on their colleagues because they want to create space between them and the left.

This is a loser's strategy.

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You always say the same thing to Democrats. They never fucking learn.

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"Why can’t national Democrats lock in on this simple message of small-d democratic principles?"

Because they're so busy taking your advice to win at all costs, Rick. They're frantically heaving principles over the side of the basket to stay aloft through the next election. Suspending the bill of rights whenever it's convenient to declare an emergency? Taking political prisoners? Turning a blind eye to influence peddling? Stoking World War 3 with Russia and China? These are no democratic principles I recognize.

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That's cool, they aren't recognizable as democratic policies either.

Biggest flaw is that too many have internalized that you win by being centrist and 'not like those democrats', so instead of coming together the center punches left.

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Totally agree with what Rick has said, however, just saying that the Dem's need to rally around a central cause and stay on task isn't likely to be enough to herd the bees. As Rick points out Dem's love their pet issues, Love them literally to death.

I was an ER Doc and I understand crisis. The first thing in crisis is always the same. Stay focused on job one! Airway first. Our Airway here is defeating Trump. Rick is totally on that and thank you very much!

Breathing is second. Voting reform HR 1 is Breathing in politics. This is where we fell down the last time when we succeeded in electing Biden but we let Manchin kill HR1. Now we are back to Airway again! Defeat Trump Re elect Biden but know that that is not the end of the story. Climate change, abortion whatever, is not next! HR1 is next.

Then Circulation. Circulation is campaign finance reform! WE can't get to climate, abortion, Black Lives Matter or anything at all as long as our political system gauges its success by how much money has been raised and how many rich people have bought politicians!

Airway: RE elect Biden

Breathing: HR1

Circulation: Get the money out of politics. Getting elected should not be a pathway to wealth!

Then, only then we can take on all the very good, very needed, very important other stuff like saving the planet and saving our way of life.

In crisis it is simple if you try to fix the broken leg while the patient is gasping for air the patient dies. If you start the IV but don't breath for the patient the patient dies. If you draw labs take x rays or any other detail oriented thing before getting a pulse the patient is dead. The ABC's are pounded into every first responder because it is the only pathway that succeeds.

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Which works, as long as you can actually work through the priorities. But there's been lower priorities sitting unaddressed for years, and that makes it look like they aren't actually priorities, and makes the people who care about them be vocal about them because they can't trust the idea that they will be gotten to eventually.

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My point is that the ABCs have to come first because without them you have no chance to get to the rest. How many emails have I gotten to 'force congress to do some thing like student loans. ! they can't even keep the government functioning and will never take up student loans because essentially, the patient isn't getting air. Priorities only come into play after the crisis is managed. Unfortunately the last part of the crisis, the C in politics is to take out the money. As long as our politicians are for sale, as long as they have to sell themselves to raise money to campaign to get elected we won't be seeing those priorities get addressed we will just cycle around the crisis.

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Good grief. Why not hit him where it hurts and challenge Trump to walk 18 holes. Old. Bald. Obese. Can’t even walk 18. Ask simple questions. When’s the last time you saw Donnie on a bike? I think Biden is too damn old but Dems have to make Trump older and sicker and a wheezing mess. The attack is sitting there. Use it.

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I'll take old and pro-democracy over sociopaths every time.

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As always, love the way your head works. We need your refreshing, clear-headed take on messaging. My observation, and correct me if I'm wrong -- I think this is starting to happen now. President Biden and the Admin, and Democrats both in office and among voters are speaking out.


1.Biden has begun calling out both trump and the GOP. Directly.

2. Both Biden and Harris are showing up to herald new construction based on the bills they got passed, all over the country, in rural areas as well as cities.

3. Biden and Harris, and a growing number of elected Dems, are pointing out these enormous wins for the American people, especially middle class and lower classes, are being built because of Biden's leadership, Democrats' work, and almost every single project with zero votes by Republicans.

4. Billboards are going up around the country where new construction and businesses are growing due to funding from the bills Biden/Harris and the Dems got passed.


In sum, I think you are absolutely right. And I think we all have to shout from the rooftops that #DemocratsDeliver. And #RepublicansObstruct

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Well said.✌️

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this ignores the reality that people want to vote for something, not against something. polls show people don't want Biden, and that's an emotional reaction. no matter how you try and paint it with logical arguments, they will just stay home. and the fascism argument will backfire because you're putting a gun to their head. vote for this boomer you don't want or else. well, go F yourself will be their reaction.

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It’s about democracy, individual liberty, and whether the American government is a tool for opportunity or one of oppression. <--- that's the line.

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Nice, This seems to have the voice we're used I like it - Que fuerte! - the and the content and the form.

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Thanks for this interesting analysis, albeit sad reminder of America's realpolitik.

Also, nice reference to the Treaty of Utrecht for we history nerds.😉

But I think Joe, with his toothpick legs, was in Bordeaux region that summer, on the sand of Bay of Biscay.🤣

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