Sitemap - 2023 - Rick Wilson’s Substack

Ten Rules For 2024

Merry Christmas to One And All

Trump Smells?

The Friday Brief

March 19th.

The 2020 Election and the Struggle for America's Soul

A Video Message On Colorado

It's the Hitler, Stupid

The Friday Brief

Performance Art Impeachment

Democracy On Life Support

A three-way, a rape, and a videotape

The Stakes of 2024

The Mordor Bureaucrats - Part 1

Four Years Ago We Started The Lincoln Project

Chicken Don

The Authoritarian Parallel: U.S. and Russia

Doing My Civic Duty

The Friday Brief

Observations on a Dead Debate

Day One Dictator

Nevada's Political Roller Coaster

No quarter asked or offered

My article in the Economist...

Mini-Podcast: The Ménage à Trois of Power, Betrayal and Hypocrisy in Florida


My MSNBC hit with Joy Reid

Florida's GOP Sex Scandal Gets Ugly

The Friday Brief

Last night's "Strategy Session"

Enough of the “Biden Is Old” Garbage

Molly Jong Fast Visits The Show!

The Time I Almost Got Mike Pence Killed

Darling Nikki

My appearance on Timeless Leadership

If It's Monday...It's Fast Politics

The Renegade Rep

Frying Turkeys

This is 60.

YouTube video of my Jonathan Karl Interview.

Trump Exposed (No, not Like THAT.)

Say The Words

This Week On "Fast Politics"

Why I Fight

The Friday Brief

The Breakdown, Live at 7pm tonight!

Audio Version of Fight Club

Who Redpilled Elon?

The Strategy Session

Lies and Scandal: The Fox News Legacy

Fight Club

A Quick Video

Audio version of "Red Caesar"

"A gun to the head of American democracy"

From South Park to Satire

Red Caesar and the Next Regime

The Band Is (Partly) Back Together

Veterans Day

The End of A Good Week

The Friday Brief

The Breakdown

A quick video

Tech Titans and the Dystopian dream

Election Briefing

Threats to Democracy (By The Numbers)

Met Gala

Miami Trainwreck

A Wedding In Savannah

Joe Biden for President

Stop Pretending

The Friday Brief

The Secrets Republicans Are Keeping

Little Boots

Halloween, Travel, and a Wedding

Revisiting The Essay That Killed My Career

Tim Miller On Dean Phillips

American Chaos: January 6th Unveiled.

How Campaigns Die

Online Fight Club, The Archie Slap, and Trolls

The Friday Brief

An Anniversary...

Herd Animals and The Venality of Evil

Join Me For a Live Twitter Spaces Tonight

Book Me

The Funeral Pyre of the Normie Republicans

The GOP's Monarch Play

Eight Years Ago

The Strategy Session - October 23, 2023

Dean Phillips Enters The Game

Porch Season

The Conspiracy To End America

The Fox Frame

Last Night's Episode of The Breakdown

Honored to join Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway on Pivot This Week

The Friday Brief

Failed State

Contagion: How Trump's Insanity Infected America.

Biden In The War Zone. Again.

How To Be Legendary

Jim Jordan and Biden 18

Some thoughts on Biden and Israel

How To Think About Third Parties

How Leonard Leo Ate The Supreme Court

My podcast with Andy Ostroy

A Twitter Spaces Event This Thursday.

Dean Philips Is A Suicide Bomber

My podcast Jonathan Lemire on Kevin McCarthy's Political Demise

Lincoln and Divided America

A quick post-McCarthy video

Republican Agony

Just a little video note for Kevin McCarthy

Our new LP ad to welcome Trump's fraud trial

What Ads Work With MAGA Voters

My interview with Scott Galloway

Not Our Kind, Dear

The GOP's Continuing Attacks on Voting Rights

One More Insight Into Donald Trump

PODCAST: The Insanity Joe Biden Inherited

Tough Love For the Democrats

The Rocket Sled

Storms, and the Floridians who love them.

The Empty Podium

The Way Out

Coming soon